Monday, March 15, 2010

From under my lone palm......

"Be good and you will be lonesome
Be lonesome and you will be free
Live a lie and you will live to regret it
That's what living is to me"

Words to live by from my favorite singer/philosopher/pirate Jimmy Buffett.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Gina and I live in the big town of Jackson, SC. If you've never heard of the place, it's just on the SC side of the Savannah River from Augusta, GA. I live about 10 miles down the road from James Brown's house. That is about my only claim to fame. Oh, that and I'm 6'5" tall. Yeah, I'm a freak. I'm cool with it though. I was born in 1973 in Aiken, SC where generations upon generations of my mother's family have been born, married, died, and buried. I could throw a rock in the air and it would hit someone I'm related to. We shifted around a little bit when I was a little shaver....Rhode Island, North Carolina, back to South Carolina. My father was a Research Chemist for United Merchants and my mother was a stay-at-home mom. I have one sibling....a brother named Allen. More about him later. I'm married to the "man of my dreams" Vince, and we own a small farm....if you can call two spoiled horses, two rotten dogs, and 300 or so cats a farm. I decided to start a blog more as a form of therapy than anything. Hey it's cheaper than a psychiatrist! You will soon figure out that mental illness doesn't really run in my's more like a slow jog.

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