Friday, March 26, 2010

*Hack* *Cough*

Freaking cough. I’ve had this freaking cough for months now. It isn’t a constant thing. For quite a while I wouldn’t cough until I went to bed, then I’d cough my head off. Not that that would wake me up, me being the Olympic sleeper that I am. It did bug Vince who would wake me up and tell me to TAKE SOMETHING. Now it seems to hit me in the mornings after I’ve gotten to work. It’s not a chest cough where I’m coughing something up. It’s just an annoying thing that hits me about 8:45 and lasts for a short time. Vince keeps telling me to go to the doctor. I suppose I’ll drag myself over there soon. What the hell do you tell the doctor? “Hey Doc. I’ve got this cough that hits about 8:45 in the morning. I sound like I’m going to hack up a lung and lasts about an hour then I’m fine the rest of the day?” I somehow don’t think that’s gonna work. Oh well. I’ll figure it out. Maybe a big fat bag of peppermints will do the trick. I hate going to the doctor. Can you tell?

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