Thursday, March 25, 2010

Island, I see you in the moonlight...

“My garden is filled with papayas and mangos. My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos. Taste for the good life. I can't live it no other way. While out on the beach there are two empty chairs That say more than the people who ever sit there. From under my lone palm I can look out on the day.” – Jimmy Buffett

A great person (Acidman…RIP dude) once described blogging as “an exercise where I stuffed notes in bottles and threw them into a vast ocean where I hoped someone would find the bottle and read the note. But that's not really what I was doing. This blog was my lifeline that towed me to shore when I was totally shipwrecked. It kept me alive for more than two of the worst years I've lived in my life. I wasn't stuffing notes in bottles. I was standing on the shore and shouting frantically for rescue. People came. I WAS rescued. And I will always appreciate that fact.” I agree. Although I am not shipwrecked, I do see this blog as my way to stuff a note in a bottle. I am on this island of my own accord. Self-imposed exile, let’s call it. So far, I can see the bottles not far off shore. But I’m in no hurry. I’ll just sit here under my lone palm and wait for the tide to go out…

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