Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Let's go over this one more time....

"Ya bitch about the present and blame it on the past. I'd like to find your inner child an' kick it's little ass. Get over it. " - The Eagles

Why do people insist on pissing me off? Why? I just don’t get it. I have a strained relationship with this particular someone as it is. Why mess with me? Dude. Just leave me alone to live my life. You live yours. I’m saddled with a house that won’t sell because of your stupid shit. I’m out thousands and thousands of dollars from trying to help you and you kept screwing me over. And do I need to bring up how many cars you’ve screwed me over on? Really? Just quit poking the medicated person mmkay? I don’t care where you live, who you date, or any of that. That’s your business. Just don’t involve me. I don’t care if you bought a car. Really I don’t. I’ve bought dozens of them. I DO care that the finance company is calling me. THAT is a problem. If I find out my name and/or credit has been used, we will then have an issue. OK, back to your regularly scheduled program.

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