Thursday, March 18, 2010

Let's assume I know everything and get this over with.

"I had seen my becoming a vampire in two lights: The first light was simply enchantment... But the other light was my wish for self-destruction."

-Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire

So I’m already out of ideas of what to write. This is a stream of consciousness thing and apparently I’m unconscious. Must be a side effect of my being dead. OK, I’m not really dead….I mean, I’m typing, right? It’s an ongoing joke between me and my husband and various members of my family. My feet…and body in general…do not generate heat. My body can actually be colder than room temperature at times. I also discovered when we lived in Virginia that I have something called Raynaud's phenomenon which is pretty funny and frightening at the same time. Symptoms usually include:
· Tingling and slight loss of feeling or numbness in the fingers.
· Blanching or whitening of the fingers, usually without affecting the thumb.
· Blue skin that feels cold and numb.
· Numb, prickly feeling or stinging pain, sometimes with redness, upon warming or relief of stress.
· Sequence of color changes in the skin may progress from white to blue to red.
Basically, my fingers go white, then blue, and then they feel like they are connected to a cadavers hand. It’s pretty cool for scaring the heck out of kids and grossing out friends. Yeah, I’m a hoot at parties! So, would this "undead" state account for my obsession with vampires? Hmm? I mean, all vampires, not just Edward Cullen. He’s just the latest vampire on the list. I think I dragged Shelly to every vampire movie that was made whether she wanted to go or not. I know we saw Dracula and Interview with a Vampire in Augusta when we were teenagers. Lestat was THE MAN….er, VAMPIRE….and he’d have beaten Edward Cullen to a pulp and drained twitchy, mouth-breather Bella Swan without even breaking a sweat. I think it’s the idea of being young and beautiful forever that makes them so fascinating. The whole drinking blood thing just sort of seems like an unfortunate side effect to me. *Sadistic grin* I got to thinking about it and the story of Twilight seemed vaguely familiar to me in some ways. After pondering for all of about half an hour I remembered a movie I had loved called “Tuck Everlasting”. Imagine Twilight sans blood lust and werewolves…and mouth breather idiot girl. The premise of the story is a young girl named Winnie meets and falls in love with a 17 year old boy named Jesse Tuck. Turns out Jesse’s entire family is immortal. All they had to do was drink the water in the woods behind Winnie’s house. Seriously. Winnie decided she didn’t want to be immortal and she went on to live a normal life and die. She’s dead when Jesse returns for her. Now for the similarities in situations.

From Tuck Everlasting:
“How old are you?” - Winnie
“You really wanna know?” - Jesse
“Yes.” - Winnie
“104” - Jesse
“I'm serious.” – Winnie
“So am I!” - Jesse [Thinks about it]
“Let's just call it 17.”

From Twilight:
“How old are you?” – Bella
“Seventeen.” - Edward
“How long have you been seventeen?” - Bella
“A while.” – Edward

Edward finally owns up to being born in 1901 which would make him 107. I’m not sayin’…..I’m just sayin’! If I was going to be one age for forever I think I would have picked 19. I was still kinda awkward and weird at 17. By 19, I had accepted that I was never going to be 5’9” and a bombshell. Anyway, I was thinking that it was too bad Jesse and Bella never hooked up. Bella could have drank from the stream and been immortal with Jesse. Edward and Winnie could have both had what they wanted. Edward would have stayed with her forever and Winnie could have remained human. Yeah, this is why I am not an author. My books would be so boring…and relatively short!

When I was a teenager, I was a rabid Lost Boys fan. David, Paul, Dewayne, and Marko were IT. They were the Dracula-type vampires I was used to. There wasn't anyone in that movie I didn't love. I even liked Micheal even though he didn't want to be a vampire. Weirdo. Don't even get me started on Angel or we'll be here all day.
I think out of all the vampires in literature and film, I most identify with Edward Cullen. He hates what he is and has hated it for a very long time. He thinks he doesn't deserve any happiness and he spends a majority of his time wrapped up in books and music. He avoids any real friendships outside of his family which is more out of necessity than just being anti-social. Short of the actual vampire thing, that was me to a T when I was 17. Maybe that emo feeling is tied to being that age. I grew out of most of it within a year or two, but Edward is stuck in that place in his development. He is completely unchanging. OK, so there is one more drawback to the whole vampire schtick.
Ah well. I guess I'd better shut up and go turn the heat up before someone complains about my being among the dearly departed....again.

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